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tv   Full Court Press  Current  March 22, 2013 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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the wild, in just twelve years time. before leaving india, there was one more thing i had to do- to try my luck one more time at spotting a tiger up close and in the wild knowing now that it could be the last chance i ever get. >>wait, right there. oh, my god. >>tiger. >>wow. oh my god. as soon as we saw him my heart started beating quickly. oh my god. this is amazing. it's unbelievable.
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there's nothing, nothing in the world like seeing a massive tiger in the wild. this is where they belong.
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> bill: hey, what do you say, good morning, everybody, great to see you today. it is a friday. friday march 22nd. here we go with the "full court press" on current tv early this friday morning. good to have you with us. we look forward to hearing from
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you at 866-55-press. you can also join us on twitter @bpshow or on facebook at facebook/billpressshow. president obama on his third day now in the -- of his trip to the middle east yesterday afternoon he spoke to a wildly enthusiastic group of young israelis to push their leaders to get back to the peace talks. back here at home the house of representatives in a total waste of time yesterday passed the ryan budget which republicans say will balance the budget in ten years.
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it won't do that but it will only do so by destroying medicare and repealing obamacare, which michele bachmann said would literally -- obamacare, would literally kill men, women and children. she is absolutely insane. billy zane stars in barabbas. coming in march to reelz. to find reelz in your area, go to dude, i need your help fast. well, clearasil's fast. yeah, but is it this fast? faster! how about this fast? clearasil's faster! this fast??
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faster!! woh! that is fast! fix breakouts fast with clearasil ultra. it starts working instantly, sending the max amount of medicine allowed deep into your pores for visibly clearer skin in as little as 12 hours. yeah, it's fast. clearasil, the science of clear skin.
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you know who's coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys who do like verse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing...
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>> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv. ♪ >> announcer: bood casting across the -- broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv. this is the "bill press show." >> bill: president obama tells young people of israel peace talks won't get started again unless you push the politicians
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to do it. hey, everybody it's friday. hello! hello. ♪ hallelujah ♪ ♪ hallelujah ♪ >> bill: it's friday march 22nd. how long have we been doing this? probably about seven years. we love fridays around the "bill press show." ♪ hallelujah ♪ >> happens once a week. >> bill: happens once a week. we just love fridays because we love getting away from watching this congress trying to get something done around this nation's capitol -- actually they don't get anything done and now they have given themselves another two-week vacation. >> it is amazing.
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yesterday, though, they flew through some votes. i mean when their vacation is onthe line they will get some stuff done. >> bill: yeah. but if you look at what they have done in the last two weeks, it is just a joke anyhow. >> yeah. >> bill: great to see you today. we'll bring you up to date on the latest shenanigans in the united states congress. they did pass the ryan budget yesterday for what it is worth. big us in out of colorado where governor john hickenlooper for a second day in a row made some big news. he signed gun control legislation bringing colorado into the 21st century, and recognizing same-sex marriage. and president obama on his visit
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to the middle east and the big speech yesterday to the israeli people. we'll update you on all of that. take your calls at 866-55-press 866-557-7377. we invite you to follow us on twitter at @bpshow, and on facebook at facebook/billpressshow. the entire team is here. peter ogburn and dan henning, phil backer on the phones and siprion bolling keeping us looking good on current tv. and we're coming to you on your local progressive talk radio station and on sirius xm. on the sports scene yesterday amazing story about arnold palmer. he has not won a tournament in some 25 years, but last year he was the second-highest revenue
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producing -- money making golfer in the world behind tiger woods and phil mickelson. he made $36 million. >> what? >> wow. >> bill: you wonder how in have you ever had an arnold palmer? what is it the arizona -- the long island's tea company? no arizona. they sell it in cans. if you get it in a restaurant he doesn't get a piece of that. >> yet. >> bill: yeah, but playing golf i often -- when i used to play golf, i would get an arnold palmer. i like it. i have a friend that's that's all he ever drinks.
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how did it ever get started you wonder? he told us yesterday. >> i had a big glass of ice tea and poured a little lemonade on it, a lady next to me heard me do that, and said i want a palmer. >> bill: so there it is. and he is still making -- can you imagine $36 million a year. >> i have never had one out of the can or out of the bottle. >> i haven't either. >> i have had them like any bottled's tae, they are incredibly sweet. >> that's the key. >> bill: but the lemonade is sweet. >> but not too sweet because you cut it with the ice tea.
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>> bill: all right. we have a lot coming up. we'll talk to some reporters from "huffington post" and yahoo! news and eric burns will be here as a friend of bill. and yes, the ryan budget out of the house didn't get very far. but first -- >> announcer: this is the "full court press." >> on this friday overhead lines march madness underway with a couple of upsets yesterday. none bigger than harvard defeating new mexico 68-62 that is a bracket buster for some, including some in this studio. >> bill: who would have picked new mexico? >> number 12 oregon beat number 6, oklahoma state, and california beat number 5
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california, unlv. and it should be noted i pick all of those. >> you are unsufferable. >> and the biggest trouncing of the first day, syracuse beat montana 81-34. >> bill: oh, my god. >> siprion had montana in siprion you should know better? >> that just makes me laugh. >> i have syracuse in my final four. so i'm still hoping. notre dame has sent president obama a little present. while filling out his march madness bracket, the president made fun of the school's new neon green uniforms. >> they are horrible. it's like a weird leon lime situation, it looks like sludge fell on their uniform.
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>> the fighting irish caught wind of his opinion and sent him his own number 44 fighting irish jersey. >> bill: that would be fun if he wore it on the weekends to play basketball with his friends. >> yeah. delta airlines went above and beyond, the rule states passengers have to be given snacks and water if they are kept for over two hours, but delta ordered 60 pizzas and had a police car deliver them to the airplane on the tarmac so the pizza could get through airport security faster. >> bill: that was a good thing to do. >> yeah. >> bill: pizza and . . . beer in
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>> no beer. >> that would have really won me over. >> but they were stuck on the tarmac and the police car came up with its flashing lights so they thought there was a terrorist on the plane, but then a guy gets out of his car and pulls out 60 boxes of pizza. >> bill: can't you see the guy with 60 boxes stacked walking towards the airplane. >> at least they didn't serve them airplane food. >> bill: that's right. well, it happened yesterday, this is the reason the house stayed a around so long -- the reason they were there for the last two weeks, they had to lead up to the day when they would pass this stinking ryan budget and they did in fact pass it. it was a party line vote of course, democrats voted against it. all republicans voted for it. i don't see what the final vote
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here was and then it went over to the -- to the united states senate where it was immediately shot down. we knew it wasn't going anywhere, and that's the thing, it is a total waste of effort and time. it is based on three phony assumptions. i would love to get your take on this, at 866-55-press. why do they even bother with this? the first assumption is that balancing the budget is the most important thing that has got to be done, right? they brag about the fact -- in fact let's hear john boehner who is saluting passage of the ryan budget saying this does the trick. >> this is a good day for the american people. every family in america must pass their budget. today we passed the bold plan to bans the -- balance the federal
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budget over the next ten years. this also addresses the things i think people most care about. >> bill: first of all this is heresy. okay. i'm tired of hearing about this. let me tell you something, i have a mortgage on our house in california. i got a more rage on our house in washington, d.c. i have got a car payment that i make every week. i owe some money. this idea that everything has got to be -- you can't owe any money, just bs. where did that start? and also the idea that the federal government can't have a deficit, it's crazy. the republicans have somehow adopted this and sold the american people that the most important thing facing this congress and country is to balance the federal budget. no, it's not. how about creating jobs? how about repairing our
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infrastructure? repairing our bridges and our highways and sewage treatment plans and all of that? how about investing in new energy projects and new medical advances and a cure for cancer? that's a hell of a lot more important than balancing the freakin' budget. that's the first thing wrong with this ryan budget. the second thing is that the ryan budget destroys medicare. still does. we talked about it this is the same damn budget that they passed two years ago, that they passed last year. it would shut down medicare for anybody who is not already in it, cut benefits for those who are, but shut down medicare for anybody who is not in it and replace it with a voucher. a voucher that would not even come close to buying you health care from a private insurance company. you would be left out on your
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own. rock to rut. pick up the phone we'll give you $1,500. see how far you can get with that. pick a number. you know it's not going to be enough for the private insurance companies to offer anybody in the -- the coverage that they get now, particularly seniors, under medicare. and the american people are totally against that, and again, we had an election in november 2012. right? one of the issues was mitt romney with paul ryan has his running mate said we are going to privatize medicare turn into it a voucher system. the american people by a margin of almost 5 million people said we don't want that. third thing wrong is it repeals the affordable care act. it repeals obamacare, which has already kicked in. which has been there now two years, which the american people
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like, which is working, which even republican governors now have been buying into seven, i believe it is latest republican governors who have accepted the expansion of medicaid under obamacare. kids can stay on their parent's health insurance until they are 26. insurance companies can no longer deny kids coverage because they have a preexisting condition. by next year insurance companies won't be able to deny anybody coverage because they have a preexisting condition. that kicks in. and also these insurance exchanges making it possible for small businesses to ban together have been set up now in most states enabling small businesses to afford to office health insurance to their employees. and here is michele bachmann. how crazy can they get when they still try to convince us that
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obamacare is bad for this country? they have been saying this for what the last three years, even before obamacare, of course was passed, but even when they were debating it in the congress before they passed it. we never heard anything as extreme as fruit cake michele bachmann on the floor yesterday. >> that's why we're here. because we're saying let's repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children kills senior citizens. let's not do that. let's love people. let's care about people. let's repeal it now while we can. >> bill: nutty as a fruit cake this is the same woman who attacked president obama at cpac because he lives in the white house and has security and has somebody walk his dog. he does not have a dog walker by
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the way. but they are so nutty. why do people take these republicans seriously? i mean they are not doing their job. they are not even close to doing their job. they are not serving the american people. i don't understand why they have as much support as they do. but they still control the congress. they did it. ryan budget yesterday. forces are balanced budget by destroying medicare and medicaid, and reveals obamacare. your take. 866-55-press. >> announcer: radio meets television. the "bill press show." now on current tv. ♪ excuse me, miss ? he's right. those are tough hard water stains, and that cleaner's not gonna cut it. truth is, 85% of us have hard water and many don't even know it.
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laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> and current will let me say anything. >> only on current tv. um, hello. these ugly stains are ruining my good looks and style. and good luck using that cleaner. excuse me, miss ? he's right. those are tough hard water stains, and that cleaner's not gonna cut it. truth is, 85% of us have hard water and many don't even know it. you need lime-a-way. lime-a-way is specially formulated to conquer hard water stains. it's 4 times more effective at removing lime scale than the leading bathroom cleaner. see the lime-a-way difference or your money back.
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alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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♪ >> announcer: heard around the country and seen on current tv, this is the "bill press show." >> bill: all right. twenty-six minutes after the hour now. friday march 22nd. by the way they worked so hard passing that ryan budget yesterday, that the house decided they needed a two-week break. so they passed the ryan budget and then went out of town for the next two weeks. right. they just had three weeks off and then came back for two weeks and accomplished absolutely nothing except passing the ryan budget, and then took two weeks over. >> which was promptly killed in the senate. so even when they do get
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something done they basically got nothing done. >> bill: right. and it has been killed in the senate for the last two times so we knew that was going to happen. >> donna says what else do they have? this is their talking point repeal obamacare. and to quote dick cheney deficits don't matter. >> bill: yeah, the vote in the senate was 79-20. allan new bedford mass. >> caller: this is about michele bachmann there. >> bill: yeah. >> caller: it just makes me kind of wonder, you know, what -- what these people are thinking, you know, when they elect these whack jobs into office. >> bill: well, we saw her, you know, running for president and if anybody didn't know i think
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the entire nation saw what a lunatic she is at that point, and yet she still got reelected to the united states congress. i'm with you alan. more calls coming up about the ryan budget. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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♪ >> announcer: chatting with you live at this is the "bill press show," live on your radio and current tv. >> bill: all right. thirty-three minutes now after the hour on this friday morning, march 22nd. the "full court press." we got it covered, wherever news is happening today we will bring
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it to you live and we will take your calls at 866-55-press. right now we're talking about the house in its final measure -- the only thing they have done in the last two weeks and it was so strenuous and so stressful they had to take another two weeks off, was pass the ryan budget which within a couple of hours was shot down 79-20 in the united states senate. we knew it wasn't going anywhere, why did they waste time passing it? they said it's what the american people want. are they right? 866-55-press. destroys medicare medicaid and repeals obamacare. back to your calls on that in just a second, but just a word about identity theft. this is happening everywhere i saw a story about a man in tennessee -- get this now, a man in tennessee gets a letter from a bank in virginia asking him
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why he changed his mailing address to chicago? well, he didn't live in chicago, and he didn't have an account with this bank in virginia but somebody had found his identity information and had opened that account and had used it to open up a credit card in his name. you hear stories like that and it tells you why you ought to be protected against identity theft. lifelock is the best protection you can get. call now and get 60 free days if you are not happy call within 60 days and get a full refund. give them a call at 1-80-356-5967 for lifelock ultimate. >> pick story bill.
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it seems like every day another politician is coming out in support of gay marriage. >> bill: yes. >> so political thought it would be a good idea saxby chambliss what he thought about gay marriage. and he gave this response. quote, i'm not gay, so i'm not going to marry one. >> bill: woe, that's profound. yeah, uh-huh. >> it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. i'm not sure what he is trying to say with that. i'm not gay so i'm not going to marry one. so if you want to know where saxby chambliss stands on same-sex marriage he is not gay, so he's not going to marry one. >> bill: that's was his name position on segregation. i'm not black, what do i care?
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god what an idiot. russell calling from hickory hills, illinois. hey, russell what do you say? >> bill: yes, you left out two other important things in the ryan budget. he gives a tax break from 39 to 25, that's a $200,000 tax break for the rich. >> bill: yes, that's right. it lowers it even beyond where george bush had lowered it yes. >> and a $5 trillion hole in the budget too they say when this is all done. >> bill: yeah but he makes up for that by getting rid of obamacare and medicare. >> caller: right it's $200,000 tax cut. >> bill: exactly. but russell it is a total sham and they know that and who are they kidding right? >> well, we got rid of our nut cases our last election in
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illinois. and they vow to get rid of kurt and this tea party guy from down state in the next election. illinois has had enough of the republicans. >> bill: well, i will hope that -- pardon me -- that that would be true with a lot of these tea party people, because that's who is driving the train here in the united states congress. russell good to hear from you. out in las vegas, nevada. lee joining us. hey, lee, good morning. >> caller: good morning, bill. how many times, bill are we going to hear about this -- i call him eddie munster budget? it's so pathetic that why don't they just give it to the rich on a silver plate -- >> bill: well, they do. yeah. >> caller: i know, but the problem is the democrats aren't really, really punishing them for it, i mean pointing out each
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time, you know, that they do it, how many people they are going to hurt. i watched a special yesterday on the poor it was heart breaking how many people are left out on the street that can't even make ends meet working two jobs. it's absurd. they don't want to raise the minimum rage, they are against everything that the president is for, bill. how far are we going to go with this? >> bill: well, they are against anything and everything that would help the middle class, that would help the poor that would help any americans other than the top 1%. they are the party of the 1%. we have seen it over and over. and this is the budget of the 1%. cuts their taxes, which means they are going to raise taxes on everything else. >> caller: right. they call everything else entitlements. what entitlements? i have worked for over 30 years.
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i put into this thing. ain't nobody giving me anything. i'm on this -- i'm on disability -- i had nine depreciations in four months, i wish one of these guys mitt romney, i would meet him in the street and let him tell me i'm one of the 47%. >> bill: yeah, i would like to see him live your life lee, and put up with what you have had to put up with, with very limited resources, and yet you are the very example of the kind of person that they target. by the way one final point, lee, on entitlements, the real entitlements are the tax breaks the tax loop holes, the tax privileges that these big corporations and the wealthiest of americans get in the tax code. we actually pay them. that's what it amounts to.
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we actually pay them to ship jobs overseas. we pay them to park their profits overseas. we actually pay the oil companies to do what they ought to be doing anyhow, which is exploring for new sources of oil. we actually pay the owners of these corporate jets to get that luxury experiences of flying. those are the real entitlements which they are not entitled to. now we go to arnold in greenville north carolina. >> caller: hey, man, not to be confused with the $36 million arnie. >> bill: don't you wish you would have invented that.
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>> caller: my favorite drink is colt 45 and lemon juice. >> bill: oh boy that will get you started in the morning. >> caller: yeah, on a hot day anyway. these republicans are killing me -- every year they say -- pass it three years straight. how do they keep getting reelected by these people? because our president just happened to be a black president. and anything that goes his way they want to beat it down. that's the only reason they give their own personal reward in this country, but letting the republicans just have their way with the deal. did you see how they were covering his trip over there in israel. everybody else was reporting how good he was doing. they were putting up [ inaudible ] with the state of israel. why was he getting all of those standing ovations? they say he only represents 10%
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of the people over there. he got one heckler. >> bill: yeah, fox has been planting this -- that he is the enemy of israel for the last couple of years, arnold and the other thing about paul ryan is what gets it seems to me everybody still says this guy is such a genius he is so smart. no, he's not. it doesn't take a lot of smarts to pass the same nowhere budget three years in a row. right? you come up with something that doesn't work repeat the exact same thing next year and the next year. and everybody says he is the thought heard of the republican party. >> in washington they call that getting something done. in the rest of the world they call it insanity. doing the same thing over and
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over and expecting a different result. >> bill: that special drink of his. >> colt 45 and lemon juice, wow. that's toxic. >> bill: when we come back we'll talk about the new google glasses. we'll talk about that when we come back. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern
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[ male announcer ] it's red lobster's lobsterfest our largest selection of lobster entrees like lobster lover's dream or new grilled lobster and lobster tacos. come in now and sea food differently. visit now
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for an exclusive $10 coupon on two lobsterfest entrees. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. ♪ >> announcer: this is the "full court press," the "bill press
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show," live on your radio and on current tv. >> bill: all right. thirteen minutes before the top of the hour. brought to me by afcme. making america happen. what is happening in america today, a lot of buzz about the google glasses. peter is wearing a pair this morning. >> that's right. >> bill: that's why he has been stumbling and running into things. >> exactly. i'm watching music videos on my glasses right now. >> bill: we have got that. and yesterday the seventh anniversary of twitter. christopher mimms is joining us to talk about that.
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good morning. >> good morning. it's amazing to me that twitter is already seven years old. i don't know anybody who is not on twitter, i guess, but do we know how many people are using twitter worldwide or even in this country by the way? >> yeah it's a few hundreds of millions, which hardly compares to facebook which is a billion. >> bill: really? oh, wow. so it has some room for growth. now have we seen the full potential of twitter? or where is it going do you think? >> there is a lot of potential for growth. i think we'll see a lot of machines on twitter talking to each other and broadcasting a lot of information. i wrote about that a couple of days ago and a bunch of readers wrote in to me with examples. they have control towers
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tweeting. people are hooking sensors up all over the world. >> bill: like something like wind conditions or -- >> yeah weather tide gauges. there is a toaster on twitter that has 2000 followers, and all it does is tweet if it's toasting. and there is also a toilet on twitter. >> bill: and it tells you when it needs flushing? okay. so the airlines if there's some delay in my flight i get a call from the airplane saying your flight is delayed for 15 minutes. but that could also been tweeted, right?
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>> yeah, yeah a lot of companies use twitter in that way. because it's broadcast. >> my biggest beef with twitter this whole time is that there's not a real regulation of what goes on out there. a lot of times that's great, but it's really easy to disseminate bad information through twitter. i know these are robots but if one of them is wrong, then i mean -- you could really cause a lot of confusion. >> yeah, well people are wrong on twitter all the time. there is a famous liable case recently in the uk where an journalist retweeted an accusation about a government official, and he may even be doing jail time. >> bill: wow. these google glasses are they for sale? and what can you do with them?
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>> it's funny. they are kind of like another -- i think of them as another screen for your phone but you can definitely interact with the internet as you could on a phone. albeit in a really simplified way. if you have a pair in the office you know what i'm talking about. there is this tiny screen that sits above your eyeball. >> bill: i was just kidding when i said peter had a pair. >> oh, okay. [ laughter ] >> bill: you change it by just blanking your eye, right? >> we're pretty close to that. one is like a flick of the neck which could be awkward if people didn't notice you wearing the glasses. >> it would like you have turrets. >> bill: yeah. >> it accepts voice input.
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you wake up and say google the best italian restaurant near me. and the last thing is on the stem of the glasses right here your temple you can swipe that which i think is pretty awkward, as a way to interact with something. >> is there some great demand for this? because i really don't -- i don't understand why i would need this instead of pulling out my phone? >> bill: or looking at my wristwatch. >> right. >> bill: >> i agree. the cofounder of google he said in the recent talk that the reason he liked google glass is that pulling out your phone and staring at it is emasculating. so i don't know why having a computer on your face is any
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better. >> yeah. this is obnoxious. i'm officially a google glass hater now. >> bill: but how many times have people said this and been wrong i would predict this is technology that some day we're going to look back and laugh at and say that we thought that that would work. but we may all be wrong. chris it's so good to have you with us. and i'm sorry, we're just plum out of town. but we'll have you back in studio soon. christopher mims you can follow him on line at >> announcer: this is the "bill press show."
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yeah, but is it this fast? faster! how about this fast? clearasil's faster! this fast?? faster!! woh! that is fast! fix breakouts fast with clearasil ultra. it starts working instantly, sending the max amount of medicine allowed deep into your pores for visibly clearer skin in as little as 12 hours. yeah, it's fast. clearasil, the science of clear skin.
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>> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> she's joy behar. >> and current will let me say anything. >> only on current tv.
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♪ >> announcer: taking your emasculating on any topic at anytime. this is the "bill press show," live on your radio and current tv. >> bill: eric burns from bullfight strategy is here as a friend of bill in the next hour we'll be joined by chris moody on yahoo! news on saxby channed i wills saying he is not gay.
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harold landes says the problem with the wellness reports is conditions at work could be your problem.
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> bill: good morning friends and neighbors, happy friday. it is friday march 22ndnds so good to see you today. this is the "full court press" coming to you live on current tv
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all across this great country of ours. we're here to bring you up to date on what is going on around the nation's capitol and around the global. we want to hear from you, what these issues mean to you. give us a call at 866-55-press follow us on twitter at @bpshow. and follow us on facebook at facebook/billpressshow. the house of representatives wasted our time and theirs bypassing the ryan budget. third year in a row they passed same budget. and it was immediately shot down in a bipartisan vote 79-20 in the senate. it is not going anywhere for one thing because it would destroy medicare medicaid and repeal obamacare, not going to happen.
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in israel, president obama on the third day of his visit to the middle east, a very moving day, and back here in the united states, joe biden joining forces with mayor bloomberg yesterday urging congress to take action on gun safety. all of that coming up right here own current tv. ♪ you know the kind of guys who do like verse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv.
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you know who's coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys who do like verse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians
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laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv. ♪ >> announcer: broadcasting across the nation on your radio, and on current tv this is the "bill press show." >> bill: michele bachmann says obamacare is going to kill people. literally! literally! kill men women and children. that's what she said on the house floor yesterday. proving she is certifiably
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insane. and to think at one time she was the number one candidate to be president. can you believe it? good morning, everybody, it's a friday. friday march 22nd. the best us in we can bring you today is the house of representatives went home for two weeks. of course it's hard to tell the difference when they are here or home because they don't do anything either place. good morning, thank you for joining us on the "full court press" as we bring you up to date on the news of the day here on our nation's capitol, around the country, around the globe and give you a chance to join our conversation and you can do so on the phone at 866-55-press you can do it on twitter at @bpshow, and on facebook at facebook/billpressshow. it's a just a lot of information to get out there.
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>> we should make the phone number your name so you don't forget it. >> bill: yeah we should like 866-557-7377. back with us this hour is eric burns. >> there he is. >> thank you guys for having me in. >> bill: you are part of the team. the team being peter ogburn and dan henning and phil backert, part of the team for one more day. >> i was going to wear my "bill press show" t-shirt. but i have worn it for three days in a row. >> bill: sadly, phil is leaving us. he is going to work with bill o'reilly. >> he got so upset over the ravenings trading all of their players away that he couldn't take it. >> bill: and of course siprion
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bolling on the video cam. did you do your brackets? >> i did not. the last time i did brackets i won, and so i just stopped. but that was about ten years ago so i would probably get going again. >> bill: okay. >> really quickly here is some data onnest opinion, 8.15 million brackets were entered. this morning after the first day of games, 1,238 perfect brackets still exist. i am sad to say that none of them belong to members of the "bill press show." >> bill: what percentage is that? >>less than .1. >> bill: yeah right. so did we enter our brackets
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with espn? >> no, we are just doing this internally. what we did -- if you picked a game correctly yesterday you get one point for it. so leading the pack tied for first is bill press. >> bill: yes! [ overlapping speakers ] >> he -- one of the ones that you missed you picked new mexico over harvard which is what a lot of people picked. >> bill: yeah, harvard basketball. forget it. >> they were number 14 and they beat the number 3 seed. you had unlv and bucknell. but you didn't have in of these teams going too far. you had unlv and bucknell going to 32. so you didn't get too screwed. >> bill: i picked bucknell because i visited the campus as a boy scout.
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>> that is an astute pick. a student of the game right there. >> bill has picked louisville to win it all because he really likes saying looulville. >> bill: i love it. >> so tied with you for first is bill backert at 13. now this is why -- this is cautionary tail. this is why these numbers don't mean a whole lot. because philanthropic -- phil picked 13 games right, but he picked new mexico to go to the final four. so don't look too much into these numbers. >> he is going to work for bill o'reilly, so you know -- >> tied --
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>> i picked three major upsets yesterday. >> but again -- >> just noting -- >> why would you ever pick harvard? >> they are not the big basketball school. >> bill: it is sort of like the debate tournament. >> and down at dead last is mr. basketball siprion bolling. >> that's a curse with these brackets, all of my sports junkies -- bell the less you know the better you do. >> exactly. >> but siprion had new mexico going to elite 8. but other than that he is not going to get too burnt. so as this goes on, he is going
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to pick up some games. phil on the other hand is screwed. >> this is a marathon not a sprint. >> that is the truth with these brackets. >> bill: there you go, i accept your congratulations. yes. [ laughter ] >> bill: so eric is here with us as a friend of bill chris moody from yahoo! is going to be joining us a little bit late nor this hour. and congresswoman laura franko is going to be joining us. but first -- >> announcer: this is the "full court press." >> nancy pelosi would not share her ncaa picks yesterday. she says she wants everyone to win. >> bill: oh, come on. >> and the world was just waiting with baited breath to hear what nancy pelosi picked. >> she favors georgetown but has
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allegiance to a lot of schools, she calls herself march mad saying she is just very excited. >> that's the ultimate politician. >> bill: i'm surprised that nancy -- even the president did his pick. i mean so what. >> this is the one thing that will bring people from both sides of the aisle together. and no one is going to hate you for it. >> president obama is welcoming another couple of sports teams the white house next week. he is doing two championship teams on the same day. the los angeles kings and major league soccer champions, l.a. galaxy will be in d.c. on tuesday. kill two birds with one stone. >> i have played soccer my whole life. i am waiting for soccer to have
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their own day at the white house. >> i'm actually going to the other direction. i think if you do two sports that nobody cares about you can do them on the same day. >> second term prerogative. >> get your lottery tickets. tomorrow's grand prize jackpot swelled to -- it is the third jackpot in over a year to go over $20 million. >> bill: i just wrote myself a note. >> oh, siprion has his tickets he is showing off. >> bill: i'm as dumb as michele bachmann, so what i do -- i never guy powerball until it gets over $200 million, and then i go out and buy it, and of course, i would have a better
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chance if it were $50 million. >> i like it. ilike it. >> bill: i'll go over there at the eastern market right after the show with my $5. eric you have a great company there. you and karl frisch. >> thank you. >> bill: bullfight strategies. and i'm sure there are companies that come to you all the time saying we need a little help with our public relations, we want to rebuild, retool how can you help us. so i have a challenge for you. let's say that reince priebus comes to you. he is the chairman of the gop, and he says our party is in bad shape right now, which it is by the way. >> yeah, that's like the understatement of the century. >> bill: they lost seats in the senate, the white house, eight seats in the house they have lost the popular vote in five out of six of the last
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presidential contests. >> uh-huh. >> bill: so we need to rebuild. okay? so my question to you is what would you tell them? and can they possibly rebuild the republican party? and how? >> well as a democratic strategist, i'm tempted to tell them, no no you guys are doing great. i can go back to my old republican days, right. >> bill: yes, you used to work for rick perry in texas -- >> yeah, and george bush all of the bad guys from texas -- >> well, it ease been nice talking to you. >> yeah, but in all seriousness this republican party -- there are no real values attached to what we see from these party. lower taxes no matter what is not a value. the only time i'm seeing republicans talk about values is when they are trying to justify
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why they are against gay marriage? but then you have michele bachmann talking about oh my god we have to save people from health care, and paul ryan wanting to eliminate people's ability to see a doctor to balance the budget. there's no reason. of course you have the issue of get on the same page folks. >> bill: they have to be -- they have to be -- i don't know what the republican party stands for. i know what they are against. right? >> yes. >> bill: anti-abortion, anti-same-sex marriage they are anti-medicare, they are anti-associates, they are anti-climate change, all of that stuff, but i don't know anything that they are for. >> i don't know much of what they are for either. they should be for innovation in
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government. public/private partnerships that work. not privatizing things, or use a voucher. they need to -- if i were them i would be focusing on innovation. at the local level let's make the dmv work. interestingly it's democrats that have been talking about that gavin newsom has been talking about that barack obama, nancy pelosi my old boss chris bell ran for mayor of houston on that very platform. >> bill: so i must admit -- and by the way on our website at, and we have tweeted it out my new call listen-only mode for today, which is -- the headline is can
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maybe save the republican party. and i mentioned how much fun i have had watching the republicans throw each other under the bus in public, right. >> oh, yeah. it's unbelievable. >> bill: sarah palin and karl rove, rand paul and marco rubio john mccain calling them whacko birds. >> yeah, i feel like he is the guy at then of scooby doo -- if it wasn't for those darn kids. it's not just enough to hate government. when you elect folks to government that hate government they destroy it. you would never put somebody as a ceo of a company who hated the company. >> bill: the other thing they came without a report this week which some people call the autopsy, which i love, which
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autopsies are performed on cold dead bodies that you know are not coming back from the grave. >> yes. >> bill: and they say we need to be the party of outreach. and the very next day reince priebus says we are the party that believes that marriage is between one man and one woman only. when 81% of the voters support marriage equality. so they are not the party of outreach. >> absolutely not. i saw this in the republican party in the '90s when i was rap. there was a lot of lip service reaching out to young folks, but the core base will just not let it happen. >> correct me if i'm wrong, but we had this conversation a little over four years ago when republicans got hammered when they ran john mccain as
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president on bad ideas, and they didn't learn anything in those four years. >> bill: yeah. i'm going cut in here and take a break. right and they didn't learn anything in 2012 either. >> right. >> bill: eric burns and you coming back at 866-55-press. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." ♪ this show is about being up to date, staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding.
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a closer shave in a single stroke for less irritation, even on sensitive skin. ♪ ♪ gillette mach3 sensitive. gillette. the best a man can get. [ male announcer ] it's red lobster's lobsterfest our largest selection of lobster entrees like lobster lover's dream or new grilled lobster and lobster tacos. come in now and sea food differently. visit now for an exclusive $10 coupon on two lobsterfest entrees.
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you know who's coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys who do like verse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me
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all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv. ♪ >> announcer: heard around the country, and seen on current tv, this is the "bill press show." >> bill: twenty-six minutes after the hour. eric burns from bullfight strategies in studio with us.
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chris moody from yahoo! younews, eric will be joining us at the half. >> all right. >> bill: a story just crossed the wires. there is really a civil war among republicans in the nation's capitol these days, and meanwhile there is a lot of talk about how and if they can possibly rebuild. bloomberg is reporting this morning that back in the primaries in february 2012 when things didn't look so good for mitt romney, and he still had a lot of opposition from the crazies in the party, rick santorum, and newt gingrich, actually were engaged in very serious conversations about forming a unity ticket to knock romney out. >> are you sure that's not an
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onion story? >> bill: it sounds like it doesn't. romney -- i mean rick santorum and newt gingrich. >> oh wow. you have got to be kidding me. what do you really say about that? can you imagine a more bizarre ticket. you have got newt wanting to putting basis on the moon -- >> bill: i can imagine michelle balkman and herman cane. >> that would have been an interesting race. >> bill: but this question -- i don't know how many times we have heard the republican party say we're now the big ten party, and then they turn around right away the day after and pull the same old. >> yeah and every time they lose they say we have go back to
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the right. and they are wrong. >> bill: you said it. no values, don't stand for anything, and are unwilling to change. i think it's a recipe for disaster. >> announcer: this the "bill press show." billy zane stars in barabbas. coming in march to reelz. to find reelz in your area, go to
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♪ >> announcer: chatting with you live at this is the "bill press show," live on your radio and current tv. >> bill: thirty-three minutes after the hour now here we go on the "full court press" this friday morning march 22nd. we're coming to you live from our nation's capitol, our studio
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on capitol hill brought to you by the communication worker's union. find out more about their good work at the house of representatives worked hard, put in a lot of sweat and tears and passed the ryan budget, which was immediately shot down in the senate. chris moody covers all of this good stuff. joining us in studio this morning. chris it's always good to see you. >> always good to be here. and eric burn is here with us as an fob. >> i love being an fob. >> bill: a friend of bill. so there was no debate in the house really was it? it was a party line vote for the
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ryan budget. >> in the house, yeah. there were some republicans that voted against it but it passed by just two more than they needed. so it was a complete party line vote where every republican voted for it. you have ones that say it wasn't conservative enough, and then you have ones that look at house republicans that just got completely slammed in the 2012 election, and a they are being careful and don't want the ads coming against them in the next election. >> i would imagine it was those that only got the number they had to. >> yes, once they get past that flesh hold they give people the availability to drop off if they need to. >> bill: as we have been talking
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the ryan budget would balance the budget in theory in ten years, and it does so by repealing obamacare. michele bachmann on the floor yesterday. >> that's why we're here. because we're saying, let's repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens. let's not do that. let's love people. let's care about people. let's repeal it now while we can. >> bill: i thought she was crazy during the presidential campaign. she is now totally certifiably insane. how many people -- it has been -- what two years now, obamacare. >> three years actually. >> bill: three years. how many people has it killed so
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far. >> there were people saying -- >> death panels. >> yes. you get this kind of rhetoric on both sides. >> but this is pretty extreme. >> bill: literally, literally. >> people don't have health care they will die, but there is no death panel. how seriously is michele bachmann taken now? >> well, think how many votes have passed that she has introduced? i believe it's still zero. there are two types in the house, the work horses the show horses -- and then there's actually the crazy horses actually. but michele bachmann is one of the more showy horse types.
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>> i feel like a lot of this is really just ryan vanity. this entire rollout with the ryan budget. >> bill: well, three years in a row it has worked. and got him on the ticket. >> it did. >> bill: so with the ryan budget now dead, the play, i guess is in the senate correct? >> yeah, it's kind of a misnomer to say it's dead. even if it passed the senate that doesn't mean the government is going to set their rates based on the ryan budget. it's nice to have, this is where the democrats would take the country, this is where the republicans will take us and then they'll have that debate for the election coming up. >> bill: so is the play now with the senate budget? >> no, it's with the continuing resolution which will go through
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the fiscal year and right now all sides will work with the appreciations committee. >> and even if we get to a point where theoretically you had a house and senate agree on a budget, it's still non-binding. >> that's right. it's constitutionally mandated, but one would say it's a little outdated because we use the appreciations process now to fund the government. >> bill: the point i'm trying to get at is we have escaped again briefly -- temporarily, the fiscal cliff. the end of march, gone over the cliff -- >> but that has nothing to do with the budgets. >> bill: okay. but for how long? >> until september 30th i believe. >> and then there will be a debt ceiling fight in may. >> bill: i was getting to that.
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>> that's right. and republicans said if you are going to raise the debt ceiling they still want the same amount of cuts to go through. president obama has made it very clear to house republicans he is not going to negotiate on debt ceiling, just pass it clean, but they are probably going to put up a fight. >> bill: democrats last time made a lot of political hay, by taking the ryan budget and hanging it republican's necks. and they are going to do that this time? >> i am told they are making at it central focus of the 2014 campaign. however, republicans -- remember what happened last time. and they are trying to get out in front now. this budget balances the budget in ten years. they are confidence the balanced
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budget message will resinate with the american people. and so there are the first television ads using the balanced budget message as their key point in new york and florida. >> bill: interesting they would pick new york and florida. here is what one of those ads -- and everybody does this. they'll run the ad on cable television, probably limited by but they get a got of free publicity for it like on the "full court press." >> he wants that new bike so bad, and i can't figure out how to pay for it. he'll just have to wait. >> families make tough decisions to balance their budget. why can't washington? congressman joe garcia backs policies to put america more in debt. it's reckless. it's wrong. we balance our budget why won't
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joe garcia balance his. the congressional leadership fund is responsible for this message. >> bill: do families really balance their budget. >> it's hard to compare the two. these are again political documents that are visions for the future. they are not literally budgets that restrain spending. >> but to the core question is there something inherently wrong with the government having a deficit at point economically it can be good economics. >> bill: that's the central question i'm going to which is somehow we have bought in -- ever since i can remember maybe the days of ronald reagan that the number one goal of the federal government is to have an balanced budget as if every family has an balanced budget.
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i'm in pretty good shape but i owe a lot of money too. i have a mortgage here and a mortgage in california and a car debt. >> over current spending levels over the next ten years, you are talking a decade of above 95% debt to gop issue. >> bill: but the deficit is coming down? >> sure. but economists will tell you that the debt is the worry not the deficit. >> wouldn't they also say that's not the biggest problem we face? we're trying to stimulate ourselves out of the -- >> bill: yes, but john boehner is talking about balancing the budget. he is not talking about getting rid of the national debt, he is talk about balancing the budget in ten years. and jobs it seems to me there are a lot of more important problems, and one of them is we
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still have almost 8% unemployment. i would say that would be getting people back to work priority number 1, and maybe you can't balance the budget until you do. >> uh-huh. one interesting detail about that ad, it's a mother sitting on the couch working on the budget. they are running on those ads on cable tv shows targeted to women. democrats just crushed it with women in 2012, especially single women, i think the republicans are trying to double up here by working on that demographic, and also pounding away at the balanced budget. >> this is good politics for republicans. i this say that. they are going to trap the democrats into a bad debate and it's just like we hear the dishonesty around the debt ceiling, increasing the debt ceiling is like putting your groceries on a credit card. when in reality it's the
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equivalent of not paying your bills. >> bill: certainly if they are going to stick to the ryan budget, they are going to have to sell it better this time around. chris moody from yahoo! news. and eric is here as a friend of bill. >> announcer: heard around the country and seen on current tv. this is the "bill press show." ♪ criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just
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care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern
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i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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>> bill: welcome back. we're going to talk about climate change in the next hour. right now we're in the throws of what congress is or is not doing. chris moody is here from yahoo! news, and eric burns from bullfight strategies. chris they obviously were exhausted ach r -- after they passed this budget. so they are going to take the next two weeks off. >> yes. >> bill: didn't they just get back from a two-week break. >> they like to spend some time working back in their direct. >> bill: oh. >> i don't blame them. i would like to leave washington every couple of weeks too. >> i will say having worked for
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a member of congress and the house, those folks do work hard. when they get home back to the district, they are not sitting in front of the tube watching the tv. >> bill: it is hard to tell when they are here or not here because from my perspective they are not getting anything done anyhow when they are here. you know what i don't hear anybody talking about anymore? the sequester. this was number one topic and then it happened -- >> we have had like three crises since then bill. >> yeah, get your crises in order. but president obama said it would be a slow tumble. if you are a daily reader of the "washington post." they basically have another story -- >> bill: yeah, there was a story
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about an indian reservation, so the sequester, while we're ignoring it, it is happening, and having real cuts. >> and it will have a negative economic effect. it is -- whether it's tomorrow whether it's six months from now, it is going to have a negative economic effect on the recovery -- >> bill: yeah, we heard this week, indiana they are having a lottery to decide which kids get yanked off of head start and which kids don't. >> that's no way to govern. >> bill: no. it's outrageous. >> and it goes back to the problem we were talking about in the last segment about what is the problem with the republican party, and this is just not what a party can afford to do. they cannot burn down the house in order to save it.
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it just doesn't work. >> bill: chris so we now have a relief until the end of september. what about now these other issues that the president has said -- and again, we were talking about until we got into this latest round around the budget immigration reform climate change, which we'll talk about here at the top of next hour, gun safety measures are these still moving forward? >> harry reid put the gun restriction measure up on the floor yesterday. he took out the assaults weapon's ban, and that will be an amendment. but it had universal background checks in it, and so that's moving forward. they have to get the immigration bill before august. if they don't pass this bill by july all of these guys have to
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go back to their districts. we know in august what those townhall rallies are like. they have do it before then. >> bill: you are right i have seen legislation on gun safety and immigration there is a lot -- on climate change? >> not so much. i don't think that's a big priority as far as something that is going to happen as assuredly as immigration or a gun-safety bill. >> i think the immigration issue is a really fascinating one because we're starting to see rush limbaugh that lou dobbs were the amnesty that destroyed the immigration debate in 2007. and rand paul has gotten caught up on this issue on amnesty and
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being attacked by the great rush limbaugh. >> bill: the republicans a lot billed by talk radio that pulled the plug on george bush's own bill, but i think those forces -- my reading is those forces lose this time. because the wiser heads in the republican party realize they need this. >> i think the most amazing thing is that the leaders on the issue the tea party senators. marco rubio, rand paul the most conservative members of the senate and they are leading on the issue. more so rubio, but to see rand paul coming around the other day. that's important. >> bill: and whatever their motivation if we get a good immigration reform bill out of it will be worth it.
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thank you both for coming in. and i'll be back and tell you what the president has been up to today on his big trip to the middle east. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." ♪
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this show is about being up to date, staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely
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about political grandstanding. ♪ >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." >> bill: president obama with a busy third day in israel. he visited the holocaust museum this morning with the prime minister netanyahu, had lunch with the prime minister as well and visited the graves of who of the great founders of israel.
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when we come back, we're going to talk climate change with kia from the world wildlife fund and maybe we can get some action going on that issue.
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> bill: hey, good morning, friends and neighbors, good to see you this morning, and welcome to the "full court press," here on current tv. we are coming to you live all the way across this great land of ours from our nation's capital and our studio on capitol hill keeping our eye on
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what is going on here for starters, where the house yesterday passed the ryan budget. it went to the other side of congress and was immediately shot down. an overwhelming bipartisan vote 79-20. and meanwhile the senate is working on its own budget plan, and they will be voting on that probably today. michele bachmann saying that the ryan budget was important to pass because obamacare would literally, literally literally, she said kill men, women, and children. president obama continuing his visit to the middle east. today visiting the holocaust museum. and then he moves on to jordan a little bit later. he'll be back in washington on saturday. and joe biden yesterday in new york with mayor michael
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bloomberg and some of the family of the victims of the newtown shootings urging congress to get busy and act on gun control. he said the members of congress should show as much courage as some of the teachers did at sandy hook elementary school. all of that and more coming up on current tv tv. converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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you know who's coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys who do like verse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing...
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>> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv. ♪ >> announcer: broadcasting across the nation on your radio, and on current tv. this is the "bill press show." >> bill: president obama continuing his visit to the middle east, telling young israelis yesterday, they have to put pressure on their leaders to get the peace talks started again. good morning, everybody, great to see you this morning.
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thank you for joining us. it is the "full court press" here in -- coming to you live from our nation's capitol on this friday morning, march 22nd bringing you up to date on all of the stories from here in our nation's capitol around the country, and around the globe. we'll not only tell you what is going on we'll also give you a chance to be part of the program. give us a call at 866-55-press whatever issue we're talking about at any given time or tell us what you think about it on twitter at @bpshow, or on facebook at facebook/billpressshow. one of the big issues facing this planet and congress is the issue of climate change. president obama making it is a priority for the second term of his. which he made clear in the state
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of the union address and the inaugural address back in january, that is the issue of climate change. one organization doing something about climate change wwf, or the world wildlife fund who is director of international climate organization keye, that's a hell of a title. is there any talks going on right now? >> there is. and we hope the united states will start to show leadership in the next year. >> bill: would about that be different, huh? she joins our team of course peter and dan henning. and phil backert his last day on
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the team because he has decided he is going to go to work for fox news. no, that's not true. but a big job with sirius xm broadcasting, and unfortunately that is taking so much of his time he is going to have to leave us. but siprion bolling staying here -- >> he is going to load up before he leaves with office supplies. >> get the tsa screeners to check him on the way out, huh? and she is back. sarah palin was back at cpac so tina fey had to come back as zaher. she did so on the james lipton show where he asked questions about guns and tina just leapt into the sarah palin gun law.
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>> you know, jimmy, i believe that -- [ laughter ]. >> if everybody had guns then there would be fewer guns in the stores. [ laughter ] >> bill: she is so good. she has got it down. she could have given that speech at cpac and nobody would have known the difference. seriously. >> yeah. truth. truth. >> bill: what does sarah palin think about same-sex marriage? >> what about -- i know it's a touchy subject. same-sex marriage, what is your view on that? >> well, the bible says it is gross. marriage is meant for people where wear different kinds of swimsuits. [ laughter ] >> bill: which makes as much sense as any of the other arguments against marriage equality. lois franko will be joining us
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later in the hour but first -- >> announcer: this is the "full court press." >> march madness with a couple of upsets yesterday. harvard debeating new mexico. that's a bracket buster for many. oregon beating oklahoma state, and number 9 wichita state over pittsburgh. and syracuse beat montana 81-34. >> good grief. >> bill: i know. who is tied among our team for number 1? >> right now you and phil both -- >> bill: and since phil is leaving -- that means who is number one? >> you are squarely on top but as siprion says it is a marathon not a sprint.
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>> president obama welcoming two sports teams to the white house next week. two championship teams on the same day because they come from the same city, the la kings, and the la galaxy will be in d.c. on tuesday, and they'll also take part in a let's move campaign on the white house lawn. >> and when you have real sports like -- >> bill: owe. >> come on. come on. >> get your powerball tickets this weekend. $320 million, and it could go higher. it is the third jackpot this year to go over $250 million. >> bill: don't worry, i'll be there, so nobody else has a chance. >> all right. ♪ >> hal: the director of
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international climate negotiations for the world wildlife fund. the organization goes more by wwf, right? >> we do yeah. certainly around the world, yeah. >> bill: are you optimistic that things are moving in the direction, particularly in this country of serious action on climate change? >> certainly in the last year we have had so many devastating weather events that there has been a lot of awareness raised. the drought in the midwest huge wildfires, so at least a conversation has started. but i still think cities and towns across america are dealing with this, trying to protect their citizens and dealing with climate change and really doing a lot of incredible stuff on renewable energy but we're still in washington leaving them
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pretty well abandoned. >> bill: and there are still deniers. >> there are some. they certainly make themselves heard. about 8% of the u.s. public on the very far dismissive side whereas whereas 12% really understand the issue. and we are well over 60, 70% of people who really care about this issue and want something -- and understand it's a real issue that needs to be dealt with. >> bill: i don't understand why the whackos have such power? >> i think on the other side we're not really making our voices heard and making ourselves really visible, and that's changing now, i think. and of course the event that we're talking about that is happening tomorrow is part of
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our efforts to raise awareness about the scale and size of the movement to tackle climate change. there are just so many millions of people who really care about the issue, so it's about making sure we're heard and seen as well. >> bill: what is this event tomorrow? this is a wwf-sponsored event that has been going on for seven years. >> it's called earth hour. it's tomorrow, saturday march 23rd, 8:30 pm local time wherever you are. it starts in new zealand and rolls its way around the planet. we ask people to turn off the lights for one hour to show their support for action on climate change. >> bill: and 8:30 it is dark. >> it is dark everywhere. that was part of the plan. and you have these icons that pretty much everyone can
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picture. people can picture the bird's nest stadium, the eiffel tower, and these are icons that hour by hour go dark. and it gives you a sense of how big this is. it's a huge movement of people who want to leave their children a habitable planet. >> that's cool. >> bill: it is cool. >> the thing about those big things with no lighting. >> bill: yeah and will they participate? >> yeah, they have all participated in this the past and will continue to participate. and this year we are -- we have 7,000 cities participating around the world, and we -- we have asked cities to do even more than just turn out the lights, so we're seeing a lot of interest. >> bill: so -- wow. >> the good news is we're usually in bed by 8:30.
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>> bill: so the empire state build willing be dark tomorrow from 8:30 to 9:30. >> yeah, and it is a reminder to all of us really what is at stake here. >> bill: what about the washington monuments? >> not yet. next year. we got obama talking about climate change. so that's a step. >> bill: do you know how many people participate? >> i don't have an exact count. it's really an organic event. it's meant for people to make it their own, have fun it with. some people have a candlelight dinner, i think we'll do a dance party in the dark with my two year old. it's meant to be an event to have fun with. some cities are holding, you know, speaker's events other cities are having, you know
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outdoor events, so everybody makes it their own. >> bill: so you find your creative way to celebrate without any lights on. >> and there are a lot of fun things to do in the dark. [ laughter ] >> careful. >> bill: right. so for people who are not joining together in some public event just as you say, turn off the lights and have a candlelight dinner, or whatever. >> exactly. >> bill: or no tv, right? >> we're not prescriptive. it's a symbolic event. it's the first step. we encourage people to spend a little bit of time during the hour also thinking about what happens when they turn the lights back on, and what can they do to become more individually and civically active. do something to change -- and if you go on to our website, you can find a map of the united states where you can click and find out what the local impacts are of climate
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change where you live. and it generates a letter to your local elected officials urging them to prepare for climate change and to transition to renewable energy. >> bill: that's -- i wanted to ask you about that next. so i mean it's fine to do this for -- billions of people do it right, for an hour. but that in and of itself is not the action that we need. but what is the link again. >> it's >> bill: okay. earth hour city challenge, peter let's up a link up on our website. >> yep. i'll do that right now. >> bill: so you are hoping people do what? >> first turn out the lights, second go to our website and
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contact your local officials. find out what the local impacts are where you live and then urge your local elected officials to prepare for those impacts and start to transition to renewable energy. we now have 29 communities. so they have to measure their carbon pollution. we already have 29 communities that have offered grants to communities who really wanted to do public engagement wanted to share with their citizens what the local impacts of climate change were and what they are doing about it. and cities are doing common sense things to prepare for climate change. and they are just now at the beginning stages of trying to educate people about what they are having to do to prepare for climate change.
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>> bill: i guess you don't expect congress to be able to deal with this. >> we have very high expectations of congress but they haven't been met so far, but given president obama's commitment to this priority, we're looking for the president to do some amazing things, and certainly we will put the -- put our focus back on congress periodically. this event has always been sort of about individuals and cities so in relationship to this event, we thought it made sense to showcase what cities are doing, and also because it is happening at the city level, people are a little less aware of the really inspiring stories. the city of cincinnati is 100% renewable energy it will be by next year. there is a program in san francisco that will take san francisco to 100% renewable energy too. same thing in chicago you are
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seeing incredible efforts to prepare and invest. >> bill: great work. saturday night tomorrow night, 8:30. it's not complicated just turn off the lights for an hour. thanks so much for coming in. >> thank you for having me. >> bill: we'll keep in touch with you about it. >> thanks. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. date, staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. the chill of peppermint.
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this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the
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other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern ♪ >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." >> bill: twenty-six minutes after the hour here on a -- guess what day -- friday! ♪
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>> bill: and as we like to do every friday, we look back at our favorite sound bites of the week, and bring you our top favorites, starting at the bottom working our way up to the top. reince priebus says michael steele left the republican party bankrupt. michael steele says there is a big difference between you and me, reince baby. >> i won and he didn't. >> you won in the elections -- >> look at the elections i had to win in 2009. we laid down a ground game national 50-state strategy. we just went out and did the heavy work of rebuilding the party. >> bill: more and more prominent americans stepping up before the supreme court hears the case in support of marriage equality. including this one. >> i support marriage for lesbian and gay couples. i support it personally and as matter of policy and law.
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>> bill: former secretary of state hillary clinton. and president obama at the house with had a special irish message. >> obama: there's an old irish saying that is the recipe for a long life is to leave the table hungry, leave the bed sleepy leave the bar thirsty, we'll see if that works tonight. [ laughter ] >> bill: and president obama took chuck todd to task for asking too many questions. >> another question i have for you -- >> obama: chuck how many you got. you are going to do this to the israeli press -- you see how the young lady from channel one. she had one question. >> bill: yeah, come on chuck. and finally weatherman says birthday to a very special friend watching the channel. >> any way, christie and joe hornton ninth anniversary, and
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hugh jaynus turning ten. [ laughter ] >> what? >> it's one of those -- >> bill: yeah, huge anus. happy birthday. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at 9am eastern. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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♪ >> announcer: chatting with you live at this is the "bill press show," live on your radio and current tv. >> bill: it is thirty-three minutes after the hour now here on a friday morning, march 22nd. the "full court press" coming to you live from our nation's capitol in our studio here on capitol hill. brought to you today by the
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international association of ironworkers, the sky is the limit for them you bet, and all of the good work that they do. you can find out more by going to their website, president obama continuing his visit to israel and before he goes on to jordan israel and palestinian authority yesterday, and here back at home the house and the senate both dealing with budget issues, the house voting in support of the ryan budget yesterday which was immediately shot down in the senate. we wanted to check in on both issues with congress woman lois frankel. good to with you with us this morning. >> good morning. >> bill: before the president took off you were one of the
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members of congress who signed a letter in support of his trip there. has his trip lived up to your expectations? >> i think it is looking good. it was not meant to forge any new creative policy. i think it is a goodwill trip, and it looks like it is serving its purpose. >> bill: even just -- if it's simply a goodwill trip it's important of course. i have seen a lot of stories that what was perceived to be a frosty relationship between president obama and prime minister benjamin netanyahu has certainly thawed if there were any problems? >> yes i have gotten that impression. >> bill: they are spending a lot of time together and very supportive of each other. what are the chances for resumption of peace talks between both sides?
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>> well, i'm an optimist. i think that's something that we need to move forward on and i do believe with the president now, i think having -- what i believe is the confidence of the israelis that he is going to be in a much better position to try to encourage them to get back to the table, and with the palestinians and try to get there without preconditions and sit and try to get it done. >> bill: and it looks like there's some willingness on both sides, so let's hope that happens. meanwhile yesterday the ryan budget comes up in front of the house, and of course no surprise that republicans were able to round up enough votes to pass it. i was surprised, however, congress woman that it only got what 220 votes -- two more than it needed to pass the house. so what was going on there
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yesterday? >> believe it or not, there -- the ryan budget which i wanted to say respectfully is a job-killing budget that basically puts medicare down the drain, that for some republicans they considered it too moderate and there was an inamendment on the floor for a much more drastic budget, and i think that's what you saw. so you saw mostly the democrats voted against the ryan budget but so did some of the much more conservative republicans. >> bill: they didn't think the ryan budget cuts enough right? >> that's correct. >> bill: or maybe doesn't hurt enough people, right? yeah. i want to play a quick clip and i'm sure you heard this yesterday, speaking in support of the ryan budget this is congress woman michele bachmann
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your colleague in the house. >> that's why we're here because we're saying let's repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills seen i don't know citizens. let's not do that. let's love people. let's care about people. let's repeal it now while we can. >> bill: obamacare killing people? congress woman? it has been up three years now. is that what we're seeing? >> well, you know what i was hoping she was talking about the sequester. >> bill: yeah. yeah. >> i think that that is really a much better description of what these mindless budget cuts do. and yes, of course she is talk about the affordable care act, which, you know, if you have a child who -- who is now -- you know, in there -- 23 years old and is on your insurance, you
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repeal the affordable care act and that child loses their insurance. the cost of medicine is going to go up if you repeal the affordable care act. the cost of access to family planning is going to go up so -- i guess -- you know, i just have to say i respectfully disagree with her. but i was hoping she was talking about the sequester. >> bill: so the ryan budget -- here's -- i -- what i don't get also is this is the same budget, basically the same he is going to balance the budget supposedly in ten years rather than 30. but basically it is the same budget that they passed three years ago, two years ago, and the same budget this year and we knew it wasn't going to go anywhere, right. why do they keep going through the motions congress woman? >> my experience -- my short
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experience in congress is that -- i think it's twofold. number one people should know that paul ryan and michele bachmann, they -- they are sincere. this is how they think. i mean i -- i -- i mean that's what makes this process so difficult. i know american people are so frustrated with congress because they want us to get along and get together and compromise and i think we would all like to do that, but this is how they think. and you know -- i don't agree with a lot of these ideas, and most democrats don't agree with these ideas, so in part it is an expression of what is a deep-rooted, sincere set of beliefs that they have. but there's also political aspect. many of the committee bills that come up will contain provisions that have what are called poison
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pills, that they are just trying to message or -- it's one of these i got ya votes so that democrats will be forced to take you know -- these votes are -- you know, a yes is a good vote, a -- i mean a yes is a bad vote or a no is a bad vote. >> bill: yeah. just kind of testing. what would the heart of the ryan budget, of course in one of the ways in addition to repealing the affordable care act that he gets to this balanced budget is turning medicare into a voucher program. what would that mean to the people of your district? >> well, let me just give you a very -- example of what i would think would be a typical example. it -- and i'm going to use my own -- my own personal story. i'm very blessed to have just a beautiful mother who is 87.
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she doesn't like me to tell her age, but i'm telling you, and a wonderful son who is 35. they are both in my life but about 21 years ago, when my momma just turned medicare age, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. she was a widow on a fixed income, and she was able to get good medical care she is healthy today. my son was just a teenager and had medicare not been there, i would have been faced with the choice of having to take care of my sick mother which i would have, or -- or choosing to save money for my son's college education. and so what everyone has to realize is that the republican plan doesn't repeal illness. it doesn't say you can't get sick anymore. it just shifts the burden of who
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is going to really take the consequences if we don't allow our seniors to get their medicare. >> bill: yeah, good point. so finally, congress woman, i want to ask you a florida political question. i have seen some polls recently that rick scott not doing too well, and charlie crist still pretty popular running as an independent. do you think charlie crist could come back in florida? >> well, you know, charlie recently i think switched -- became a democrat -- >> bill: that's right. of course. >> that's right. he is a democrat. i think it speaks to rick scott's unpopularity here. he has taken on -- from the get-go, a really -- an extreme brand of republicanism, although, i think he is trying to moderate a little bit unsuccessfully. i -- i'll keep -- you know
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we'll keep the powder dry on who is going to be the democratic nominee. i think whoever is the democratic nominee will win. >> bill: all right. congress woman have a good weekend, and a good break, and we'll talk to you again soon. >> thank you. >> bill: lois frankel representing the 22nd congressional district of florida. and nbc looks like they are determined to dump jay leno. they tried once before and it didn't work so well. is it going to work this time? >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." ♪ gripping, current.
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>> announcer: this is the "full court press," the "bill press show," live on your radio, and on current tv. >> bill: you bet thirteen minutes now before the top of the hour here we go the "full court press" on a friday morning. so there were stories this week that nbc has decided that when jay leno's account is up they will have already made a move bouncing jay leno again, they did it before this time in favor of jimmy kimmel and that's not the only big change. we want to check in with ross who is the deputy editor for comedy -- for "huffington post" comedy. hey, ross good to have you with us. >> thanks for having me on
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bill. >> bill: first of all nbc has tried this before what makes them think it is going to work with jimmy kimmel. >> i think that they kind of recognize that they are going to have to get rid of jay leno. he has been there for about 30 years now, and the demographics are just changing in a way that they realize that they are going to have to do it now or later, but the main thing to change now is the presence of jimmy kimmel on abc. the last time that this happened back in 2009 and they originally made the deal in 2004 they really wanted to keep both jay leno and conan o'brien at the network. and now that has changed. because they say jimmy kimmel is presenting a big match here.
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>> bill: is there any possibility that jay leno might in fact want to retire after doing it for 33 years. >> i think if there's one thing that we know about jay leno is that he will not retire -- they are going to have to pry him away from that desk. he wants to die in that desk it seems like. >> bill: >> you said they are going to have to replace jay leno at some point, i'm not a leno fan, but if he is delivering why not let him retire in the chair? >> i think jay leno would agree with you and his jokes he has been making really is a testament of that. it is really a tough thing, because he gets number 1 in the demographic and he has been doing that consistently since he has been on the air since about
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1995. >> bill: yeah, and not just overall ratings but in the demographic he has been getting number 1. >> exactly which i think surprises people. 18 to 49 he wins that. he beats jimmy kimmel. he beats david letterman. >> what is the big argument to getting rid of jay leno. i can make the argument that i don't think he is very funny. but i can be proven that he is good for business because of the numbers. so what is their big argument. >> the big argument is basically that his contract -- his contract ends in 2014. it ends in september of 2014. they see this jimmy kimmel character. he has only been doing 11:30 for the last little while and he has
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really been performing. and i think they are saying jimmy fannel has been impressing nbc, comcast they see him as a brood performer that pretty much everyone likes across the board. i think they just really want them to be installed there -- fallon has a long career ahead of him, and i think nbc has enough ratings problems as it is that pretty much anything is on the table for them right now. >> bill: how long is jimmy kimmel's contract? >> i don't know. but he'll be there for a while. >> so jimmy fallon is going to be taking over for jay leno and then you have him going head-to-head against kimmel. and is there any chance that kimmel could go somewhere else and start another show?
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>> was that the big problem in 2009. they were really worried maybe he'll go to fox or abc, and there was a lot of chatter that jay leno was going to go head-to-head with conan o'brien -- >> i have a really good idea. what if nbc did the jay leno show at 10:00 and then local news and then jimmy fallon? huh? >> obviously you are referring to what happened in 2010 which -- nbc really did themselves a disservice the way they handled that whole thing, because i don't think anyone would be as interested in what is going on with the tonight's show drama.
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>> bill: exactly. ross real quickly, the other part of the equation is they want to move the tonight show back to new york city which is pretty revolutionary too, right? >> that's right. and new york state is trying to push a bill that would allow tax breaks for tv shows that have high budgets that are talk shows that have been out of the state for several years, it's almost like cuomo himself is a jimmy fallon fan. >> bill: oh, my god, a special interest group for a tv show. >> exactly. >> bill: hey ross have a good weekend. >> you too thank a lot. >> bill: we'll be back with a parting shot. >> announcer: this is the "bill press show." ♪
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(vo) current tv gets the converstion started next. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. ♪


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